Połowa złącza zawiasowego do rury Ø 32 mm. Pokrycie: chrom galw.
Przelotka do kabli Materiał: tworzywo Średnica: fi 60mm Kolory: biały, szary, czarny, beżowy, brązowy
Maskownica nakrętki M24. Klucz 36. Kolor: czarny.
Wiertło szlifowane do metalu HSS-G przedłużane Uchwyt cylindryczny Długość całkowita: 112,0mm Długość robocza: 73,0mm Średnica: 3,5mm Ilość w opakowaniu: 2 szt.
Kłódka pałąkowa KZE-40L KLO126.34 Wymiar A: 40 mm
Zawias (skrzydło dolne) ZAW188.50 wkręcany, ozdobny do drzwi i do okien drewnianych, które posiadają przylgę. Średnica Ø14 mm. Wykonany ze stali, mosiądzowany. Tworzy komplet z ZAW188.49
Knaga płaska nierdzewna A4 Ilość otworów mocujących: 2 szt. Rozmiar: 150mm
Szczypce nastawne ProLine Kute Rozmiar 550 (mm) Średnica rur 2”
Cieńkowarstwowa, syntetyczna lazura z mieszanką wosków i olejów Pojemność: 0,75 l Kolor: Cedr Przeznaczenie: Ochronne lakierowanie miękkiego i twardego drewna, które jest wystawione na działanie warunków atomosferycznych lub znajduje się w pomieszczeniach. Przenika głeboko do struktury drewna i podkreśla jego rysunek. długookresowo chroni drewno przed...
Uchwyt do łączenia przęseł - fasolka Szerokość: 20mm Grubość: 10mm.
Zaślepka prostokątna Wymiary: Rozmiar zewnętrzny /A x B/: 20x100mm Grubość kołnierza /C/: 5,0mm Długość części wciskanej do profila /H/: 16,9mm Rozmiar rdzenia /a x b/: 12,1x92,4mm Rozmiar z „lamelkami” /a1 x b1/: 18,0x98,3mm Przeznaczone do profila o grubości ścianki /R/: 1,5 – 3,0mm Kolor: brązowy
Maskownica wkładki zamka plastikowa. Kolor: czarny
Uchwyt do łączenia przęseł - fasolka Szerokość:20mm Grubość 6mm
Zawias regulowany Rozmiar podstawy montażowej: 90x30x3 Rozmiar gwintu: M12 Długość gwintu: 115mm
Kula pusta z otworem Materiał: blacha surowaŚrednica: fi 80mm.
Zaślepka prostokątna Wymiary: Rozmiar zewnętrzny /A x B/: 20x30mm Grubość kołnierza /C/: 5,0mm Długość części wciskanej do profila /H/: 14,0mm Rozmiar rdzenia /a x b/: 13,0x22,5mm Rozmiar z „lamelkami” /a1 x b1/: 18,5x28,5mm Przeznaczone do profila o grubości ścianki /R/: 1,0 – 3,0mm Kolor: brązowy
Złącze śrubowe meblowe M4X31-40mm do łączenia dwóch płyt o grubości 18mm.
Zaślepka prostokątna Wymiary: Rozmiar zewnętrzny /A x B/: 20x80mm Grubość kołnierza /C/: 5,0mm Długość części wciskanej do profila /H/: 17,5mm Rozmiar rdzenia /a x b/: 12,9x74,3mm Rozmiar z „lamelkami” /a1 x b1/: 18,0x78,4mm Przeznaczone do profila o grubości ścianki /R/: 1,5 – 3,0mm Kolor: brązowy
Zacisk meblowy Zastosowanie: montaż lustra, szyby do frontu meblowego Sposób montażu: wkręt Kolor: biały
Metal, construction and furniture products store - METALPLAST from Gorzów
The METALPLAST store from Gorzów specializes in metal products, construction hardware and furniture accessories. It has been operating continuously on the Gorzów market for over thirty years as a family company with an established position on the market and high reputation. It cooperates with many Polish and foreign producers who are suppliers of the best quality assortment. We deal not only with sales, but also with professional consulting. We make sure that our customers receive goods that meet their expectations and will work flawlessly for a long time.
We are a company that is constantly developing. In addition to metal products, door and window accessories or furniture, we offer a large selection of gate automation, gate drives and railings. We strive to ensure that customers who come to our store find a full range of goods enabling them to carry out renovation, construction and renovation works, especially in the field of metal products.
Metal products and assembly accessories
Our main specialization is metal products and assembly accessories. The scope of our activity is very wide, and our offer is addressed to both private individuals and companies dealing in construction and renovation works, as well as furniture manufacturers looking for proven furniture accessories. Our offer is supplemented with workwear that works well for all renovation, construction and assembly works. We have, among others, protective clothing for welding, or comfortable pants and shirts. Safety will be ensured by protective helmets, masks, glasses and harnesses, and transport belts will guarantee efficient work without the risk of damaging the goods.
METAPLAST's range of metal products
We are constantly improving the offer of metal products that we distribute. You can find, among others, the mentioned door and window accessories, furniture accessories or protective clothing, but also:
forged and cast iron elements,
gate accessories and garage automation,
elements of railings made of stainless and chrome steel,
gardening and workshop tools and accessories,
construction chemicals,
chemical anchors,
scaffolding and much more!
We cordially invite individual customers and entrepreneurs to visit our store in Gorzów and online shopping on the website!
construction and furniture products store - METALPLAST from Gorzów
The METALPLAST store from Gorzów specializes in metal products, building hardware and furniture accessories. It has been operating continuously on the Gorzów market for over thirty years as a family company with an established position on the market and high reputation. It cooperates with many Polish and foreign producers who are suppliers of the best quality assortment. We deal not only with sales, but also with professional consulting. We make sure that our customers receive goods that meet their expectations and will work flawlessly for a long time.
We are a company that is constantly developing. In addition to metal products, door and window accessories and furniture, we offer a large selection of gate automation, gate drives and railings. We strive to ensure that customers who come to our store find a full range of goods enabling them to carry out renovation, construction and renovation works, especially in the field of metal products.
Metal products and assembly accessories
Our main specialization is metal products and assembly accessories. The scope of our activity is very wide, and our offer is addressed to both private individuals and companies dealing in construction and renovation works, as well as furniture manufacturers looking for proven furniture accessories. Our offer is complemented by workwear that works well for all renovation, construction and assembly works. We have, among others, protective clothing for welding, or comfortable pants and shirts. Safety will be ensured by protective helmets, masks, glasses and harnesses, and transport belts will guarantee efficient work without the risk of damaging the goods.
METAPLAST's range of metal products
We are constantly improving the offer of metal products that we distribute. You can find, among others, the mentioned door and window accessories, furniture accessories or protective clothing, but also:
forged and cast iron elements,
gate accessories and garage automation,
elements of railings made of stainless and chrome steel,
gardening and workshop tools and accessories,
construction chemicals,
chemical anchors,
scaffolding and much more!
We cordially invite individual customers and entrepreneurs to visit our store in Gorzów and online shopping on the website!
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